Isa Gasimov
List of programs where you participated as an expert, mentor, trainer, speaker, jury member, etc – Since 2013, he has participated in various programs as an expert, mentor, trainer, speaker, jury member in the innovation ecosystem. The number of training and mentoring support listeners in different years is hundreds.
List of programs which you have co-organized – ”Yeni Fikir” startup competition (since 2013), Smart Bridge, regional startup and incubation program, etc. Founder of "Yeni Fikir" and "Smart Bridge-(Technology, Business, Innovation)" projects, co-founder of Technology Transfer and Science Commercialization Platform. More than 1,000 startup projects were evaluated, including general development of about 100 startups, and provision of incubation services and seed investment to 40 startups.
List of startups that you supported during the year – 1. Nomail LLC 2. Bots combat - Game based education platform 4.Piroqram 5.VooShii 6.Green energy 7.MirvariStore 8.RED 9.Füzulu Hacılı 10.Atilla 11.Credentials Management 12.”Robotik Günəbaxan” etc
Links to your interviews or publications Number of articles or posts in the past 12 months – 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; 4.
Link to personal blog or website –,,