Winners 2022

Winners 2022

"Tech Media of the Year" - "Technote"

"Technote" is a technology and startup platform. Its primary objective is to deliver the latest technological innovations and events from both Azerbaijan and around the world to local readers in their native language. The platform has been operational in Azerbaijan since 2015.


"Skills booster of the Year" - "Skills for the Future"

The "Skills for the Future" project is managed by the "Innovations Center" of the State Agency for Service to Citizens and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The key aim of this project is to enhance the capabilities of personnel in the field of innovation, provide support for innovation activities in education, and assist students in developing their innovative ideas throughout the educational process.


"Digitalization of the Year" - "Labor and Employment" Subsystem (AMAS)

AMAS is an electronic platform designed to consolidate employers, employees, jobseekers, and the unemployed onto a unified electronic platform. This platform streamlines processes related to labor relations regulation, employment provisioning, human resource management, and enhances transparency within the field.


"Ecosystem Player of the Year" - "Innoland"

"Innoland" Incubation and Acceleration Center serves as a platform for incubation and acceleration, catering to individuals with innovative ideas. The primary objectives of Innoland are to foster private sector development, promote innovation, expand the startup movement, and introduce competitive new technologies to the global arena.


“Ecosystem MVP (Most Valuable Person) of the Year" - Tariel Aghazade

Tariyel Agazade has been actively engaged in the startup, innovation, and technological media sectors for nearly five years. He has offered mentoring support to over 100 startups and orchestrated more than 50 local and international innovation events.


"Tech Entrepreneur of the Year" - Gunay Imanzade

Gunay Imanzade is the co-founder of Metatesk, Entesk, and Enthouse. She has participated in programs and competitions such as Silkway Accelerator, Takeoff Baku, Teknofest Baku, Teknofest Turkey, and Takeoff Accelerator, earning commendable rankings. Notably, Google for Startups has also been involved in her initiatives.


"Discovery of the Year" - "AYVA"

AYVA, backed by ABB bank, introduces a fintech solution for cashless tips in the service industry, specifically for waiters and other related sectors. This solution offers enhanced convenience, flexibility, and entertainment, contributing to a growing trend in QR scans. It also provides accurate statistics related to ratings and tips.


"Startup of the Year" - "PUSH 30"

"PUSH 30" serves as a corporate fitness and wellness provider, with a central mission to help office workers adopt healthier lifestyles. The platform offers corporate and government employees unrestricted access to more than 100 fitness and sports centers across Baku, Sumgait, and Khyrdalan through a single application and subscription.
