
Description of the startup (Elevator pitch) Taskool - designed to build and showcase high school students ' portfolios through STEAM projects for university admission 

Founders of the startup (separated by comma)Nariman Garakhani 

Date of foundation - 2022-04-01 

Pitch deck (LINK) https://awards.idda.az/storage/uploads/66EaWGBPv6Kb4FicPR9XzOQkmLpUILvYaAjIKrc8.pdf 

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/nariman-garakhani-8a78a74a/ 

Link to the startup websitehttps://taskool.com/ 

Link(s) to social media pages–  https://www.instagram.com/taskoolcom/, https://www.linkedin.com/company/taskilled-taskool/?viewAsMember=true 

Stage of startup development Scaling 

Business model B2C 

Dynamics of the number of users/clients during the past 12 months60% growth (currently 800 + users) 

Revenue in the past 12 months (in AZN)40000+