Project name - Establishment of the Medical Certification Subsystem
Information about the project (which process is digitalized) – In connection with the implementation of the Decree No. 2317 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 6, 2023, "On some measures to improve activities in the field of medical certification of citizens called to active military service," the "Medical Certification" subsystem has been established to manage the processes related to the final medical evaluation of conscripts. Within the project, integrations have been established for electronic data exchange with the internal subsystems of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population (MLSPP) and relevant state institutions (State Service for Mobilization and Conscription (SSMC), State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance (ITSDA), TABIB, and the Ministry of Health). The entire process, including electronic document signing, has been fully automated, ensuring the management of processes without paper documents. The referral form (Form-44) for conscripts undergoing final medical evaluation is received electronically from the SSMC’s information system. The system automatically assigns a queue, and when the conscript arrives at the center, the queue is activated. When the conscript's turn comes, they are directed to the appropriate physicians. The system manages the doctor's consultations, internal and external referrals for examinations (to TABIB and Ministry of Health facilities), the electronic receipt of examination results, issuance of medical opinions, referrals to medical evaluation commissions, and the formation of documents by commission members—all in a fully electronic environment. All documents and referrals are signed with the SİMA electronic signature.
Name of the organization that implemented the project – ƏƏSMN yanında Dövlət Tibbi-Sosial Ekspertiza və Reabilitasiya Agentliyi
Was the project implemented with an end-to-end process approach? – yes
Was the project implemented within the past 12 months? – yes
What are the main take aways or achievements of the project? – This subsystem ensures transparency, flexibility, and objectivity in the final medical evaluation of conscripts; full process automation; real-time reporting; electronic data exchange between institutions; and improved citizen satisfaction.
LinkedIn – https://www.Linkedin.com/company/dtseraaz/