Project name - Digital Touch
Information about the project (which process is digitalized) – In line with the content of the Digital Touch Project, the digitalization index for the socially sensitive category of citizens has been raised through a series of comprehensive steps that include a phased educational program.
Name of the organization that implemented the project – Start IT
Was the project implemented with an end-to-end process approach? – yes
Was the project implemented within the past 12 months? – yes
What are the main take aways or achievements of the project? – The educational activities, which covered three different institutions where children deprived of parental care live and study, were successfully organized by applying a sensitive approach tailored to the specifics of these boarding institutions. Specifically, the program was effectively implemented for adolescents who had experienced certain moral and psychosocial "traumas" by employing psychological engagement, informal education, and at times, role model approaches. As a result, the educational material was fully taught to 45 adolescents across three boarding institutions. These students have now achieved equal digital access to information resources and efficient use of devices during their traditional education period, aligning their skills with peers living outside of boarding institutions, and in many areas, even surpassing them.
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